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Isabelle-Gallant-Owen Tribute Award

This award is presented to an individual in recognition of their outstanding community involvement within the Francophone community. The award is given annually by La Belle-Alliance Ltd.



Evaluate the impact of the volunteer's commitment on the local or regional community and the positive effect it has had on the surrounding environment. Also, consider the relevance and usefulness of the services provided by the volunteer.


Analyze the volunteer’s perseverance in their activities despite the constraints and obstacles encountered, as well as their ability to maintain commitment despite difficulties.

Mobilization Capacity:

Examine how the volunteer was able to mobilize human, material, and financial resources to carry out a project or accomplish the mission of an organization, and their ability to inspire engagement around their initiatives.

Personal and Social Commitment:

Consider the consistency and regularity of the volunteer's commitment, including the number of hours devoted each week, month, or year, and their attendance in participating in activities.

Community Innovation:

Evaluate the innovative contributions of the volunteer, whether by implementing new activities, creatively sustaining existing initiatives, or creating innovative services that meet specific needs within the community.

The candidate must:

  • Reside in Prince Edward Island at the time of nomination.

  • Volunteer in the sector of Francophone community development in Zone 3 of the Commission scolaire de la langue française: Summerside, Miscouche, Kensington, Bedeque, Borden-Carleton, Kinkora, Malpeque, Slemon Park, Lot 16, and surrounding areas.

  • Have dedicated time and energy to improving the living conditions of Acadians, Acadian women, and Francophones in the region.

  • Have carried out these activities or actions voluntarily*.

  • Be at least 18 years old as of April 1.

  • The volunteer work must have been carried out in French, whether the individual is Francophone or not.

  • Be nominated by a person or an organization.

*A distinction must be made between the work for which the candidate was paid and that which they completed voluntarily. Likewise, a distinction must be made between compulsory volunteer work performed as part of a social reintegration program and other voluntary activities.

The candidate must not:

  • Volunteer for political or union organizations.

  • Be employed by La Belle-Alliance Ltd.

  • Have received the Isabelle-Gallant-Owen Tribute Award in the last five (5) years.

Soumettre une candidature

Candidate Information

Information of the Nominator


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5 Maris Stella ave, Summerside, PEI, C1N 6M9
(902) 888-1681

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